Alien fast carrier, lightly armed with only hot targeting lasers to assist its strikecraft as they move in for the kill, this spacecraft relies on its advanced shielding systems and specialised, forward mounted, release/reclaim system to keep combatants at a distance.

5 39

almost done with my next fan art but heres a wip cuz it geting late for me -w-

1 27

Then their head suddenly turns to target you targeting them

0 3

Designers when budgeting for the chair:

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19.2 balance update is going up soon, but if you want to learn more about reasoning behind targeting those specific cards, Senior Game Designer shared his thoughts on Twitter. Check them out here:

0 18

Btw trio Eren Mikasa Armin ngingetin gw sama Yoh Anna Manta nya Shaman King dah. Hahaha

1 2

Stay warm, stay healthy 💖 Cuaca ekstrim dan musim yang makin enggak bisa tertebak bisa bikin sakit. Aku aja sampai kambuh alergi huhu. Jangan lupa ingetin semua yg kalian sayangi buat tetep hangat di cuaca spt ini yaaa. Stay safe and comfy.

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Várakozás - Még az is lehet, hogy nem szabad sokáig várni, mert akkor elszalad veled az idő. És a múlt rabja leszel. - Szigetingy – Egy gyógyszerész feljegyzései, {Painting by Danny O’ Connor, (szingy gallery)}

4 9

Every Dec 6, the commemorates the 14 women who were shot & killed in Montreal by a man targeting women on a busy campus. Join us as we show support for Canada’s National Day of Remembrance & Action on Violence Against Women.

2 9

Due to weather conditions, the launch of 's 21st cargo resupply mission to the ISS is now targeting launch for December 6 at 11:17am EST. Here is a quick-fact infographic on the mission. I have include free wallpaper art.

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I'm always forgeting to post my work here AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH

4 10

its that time of month that everyone is geting ready for and also again want to thanks work on this one also she did a great job on these outfit

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New mini!
A girl who really isn't sure how to say it by
"She was fidgeting while considering how to get naughty."

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Drugs targeting the sarcomere in heart failure and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

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Gachas once again targeting my tastes

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—Chir is a rather sweet and maternal person but can be rather pigheaded stubborn. She doesn't like to leave things alone and her hands are always fidgeting

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Best argument you'll have with someone you hate one day

(I'm not...targeting...anyone...because I love everybody~)
(• •;)

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TL 2/2
"i-i really wanted it to make it properly nutritious for you so you can do your best at work, but my honey saying that is just..." (sobs "uuu", fidgeting)


1 6

mau ikutan juga. ya begini deh artworkku memang kadang kadang berbeda, tapi aku bangga bisa nemu style yang aku targetin, tinggal improve lagi aja detailnya hehe 🥺

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