
… …

創作キャラクター “戦闘用アンドロイド:MESSIAH 魔改造品”

「知道了、Boss。… …ウジムシはスベテ 排除 …デショ?」

… …


25 88

Celebrating 20 years! 🎉Thank you for bringing us so many great games and wonderful memories! Also looking forward to the future games of yours!

11 50

I commissioned again, this time the Devil Survivor 1 protag in the messiah ending

I love him

9 29

Hey, I recently painted some concepts for the look of some magic items for a personal project.

I really enjoyed the look of the magic items of Heroes of Might and Magic: Dark Messiah and made my take on that. 

I may do more of these in the near future.

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More artwork for "Messiah", I'll hopefully have another progress update for the song itself soon

1 10

Ein Baby Fanart zur Reihe Undead Messiah!
Ich mag den Manga irre sehr!
Vielen dank für das schöne Werk,
& Co!💕

1 30

遅くなってしまいましたが、8月30日発売のTCG「Force of Will」にてイラストを描かせていただきました。

TCG【Force of Will】New Valhalla Cluster 4th Set ”The Decisive Battle of Valhalla”
I Painted!🔥

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2 21

Everybody hail the Defiled Mary
The afterthought of all male martyrdom.

Behind every good man's a messiah story.
I, for one, am as guilty as they come;
After all, I’m my mama’s son.

11 26

~ He will have the honor of being the next messiah~

Silver as the savior, I will draw the nine blessings.

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And the Messiah
The Neverending Story

1 21

This is my messiah you can’t stop me

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Genesis' Messiah: Namiko Moon

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いつか見てみたいなとひっそりと思っていたMessiah( )さんのリングが届きました😆💕



2 7

Moi c Kohaku, je dessine beaucoup de fire emblem, de fantasy et d'OCs ! J'ai fait un pv fire emblem awakening X Blessed Messiah and the tower of AI si quelqu'un veut voir !! https://t.co/dkxfQr3xf3

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🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 Part 5 for KaiAi Sakura series (///ˊㅿˋ///) Neon Messiah arc

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