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Have a super-duper weekend y'all
NGC6589/90/95, IC1283: A window towards the centre of our galaxy https://t.co/rcpLEE1jf6 #astronomy #art #sketching #science
NGC 4565, the Needle Galaxy! Taken at the #TexasStarParty on my 11-inch scope. 14x360s, ISO-1600, 42 or so lightyears away. #astronomy
Bright #Supernova of a Type Ia erupts in NGC 5643 in Lupus - via: Sky & Telescope https://t.co/aEyIw9hp1I
NGC 1531 and NGC 1532 are a pair of interacting galaxies located about 55 million light-years away from the Earth ✨💫
ケフェウス座の系外銀河、NGC6946に出現した超新星SN 2017eawを捕えたスケッチです。さすがに口径40cmでは楽に見えました。
Nebulae are truly the most beautiful things in the Universe. 📸 NGC 2264
NGC 3576, Statue of Liberty Nebula, in the star forming region called RCW 57. Credit: S. Mazlin, J. Harvey, R. Gilbert, & D. Verschatse
NGC 2174 | Monkey Head Nebula
Located 6,400 LY away towards the constellation Orion
Image is zoomed in on some dust pillars
This stunning image of NGC3372 emission #nebula in Carina done by @AstroSabadell member Josep M Drudis is our corporate 2017 calendar header
NGC 6357 - a complex wonderland of star formations: https://t.co/uhbnBowh5H via @apod