Takumi Aldini & Megumi Tadokoro in swim clothes, as requested by tumblr ☀️💙

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Kunihiko Ikuhara marathons should be required viewing for young repressed queer anime fans.

- Sailor Moon S
- Shoujo Kakumei Utena
- Mawaru Penguindrum
- YuriKuma Arashi
- Sarazanmai

Boost if you understand why. It could help someone who needs it.

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Took a detour from my original drawing plans to draw kakumei Lio Kirby.

I know I should do a color one for kakumei/berserk Meta Lio at some point, but the sketch was too good to pass up.

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se diz fã de shoujo kakumei utena mas nunca viu uma dessas imagens

enfim, o hipopótamo

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Day 4 of Duel! This is my first digital art piece in almost a decade. Decided to pay tribute to the greatest anime about duelling lesbians: SHOUJO KAKUMEI

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Gaurko egunez 1750ean edo 1753an, jaio zen, Aimara herriko emakume iraultzailea.

Espainiarren aurkako altxamenduan buruzagia izan zen, La Pazeko setioan. Heroitzat hartzen dute eta bere jaioteguna Emakume Indigenen egun izendatu zuten. Espainiarrek hil zuen.

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Sakura Kakumei looks really cool. Dope ass designs; that original animation was a lot of fun. I'm still hoping for a sequel to Shin Sakura Taisen with more songs and theater shenanigans! Not to mention Koi-koi wars.

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Delight Works new mobile game confirmed as Sakura Kakumei aka Sakura Taisen mobile game.

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Sega and Delightworks announce Sakura Kakumei: Hanasaku Otome-tachi for iOS, Android https://t.co/ID13XYQVnx

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OF COURSE I'M LIKING TWO GIRLS FROM SAKURA KAKUMEI, the neesan one and the one in the middle with the braids, her transformed mecha form looks like a witch afzhhqfzvava

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haha.. pétalas.. eu odeio elas

anyways, fanart de shoujo kakumei utena de novo pq é a única coisa que tô conseguindo desenharkkkk e pq eu amo a juri, melhor personagem de utena 👉👈

dá rt e fav aq que eu digo se esperava ou não 😝

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it's because he still has hakumen design aspects since it still is the same body. If you look at him it makes more sense, but that's a hella nah when we get to Susanoo.

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Finally, as so long the Dakimakura is now available 🥳it was 1000 Subathon on my birthday
Artist by
Shop: https://t.co/yjYcTL3FYz

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Breath of Sky Users ⛅️

Kumori (left) belongs to
Hakumei (right) belongs to me

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I say multishipping is allowed in my place and it's okay to love your ships!!

Just please don't bash people for theirs and let's try to all get along uwu

These pieces were created for Secret Santa 2019!

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