Meu ensino fundamental e médio definidos em duas imagens.
Esquerda: Meu ensino fundamental...
Direita: Meu ensino médio. 😄(Saudades).

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Master the fundamentals of anatomy with Marvel artist and improve your character's poses and movements.
Take advantage of our anatomy flash sale by applying promo code ANATOMY at checkout for $50 off select classes.

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this shit actually changed me fundamentally as a child i think. and thats not even including the 18 year olds who bullied me on the internet over it!

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I have developed what I think is a fundamentally sacrilegious niche. But that's okay.

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even refusing his fundamental rights as a human being! We must to ignore and allow this cyber violence carry-on without taking any action, otherwise the next victim could be you, me or our loved ones. 👊👊👊❤💙

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No. 1: Avalon (Web of Magic)

this series changed me fundamentally. i was already into fantasy and such but this ignited my insanity very hard

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A referência // a obra

Uma das peças fundamentais pro processo de criação de Ponyo foi esse quadro pré Rafaelita do Millais. O Miyazaki viu esse quadro no Tate Museum e foi o empurrão que faltava pra entender a história da garota peixe Ponyo 🥺

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Serie "Posidonia y el Mar"

Huele a coco y a sal, a limón y a tinta, a profundamente traspasa un brillo que tiene historia. Eucrante con raíz, conduce a los peces hasta el confín.


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escala e introdução de personagens, tudo com o toque de humor que apenas Rance pode proporcionar. Apesar de eu querer dar foco a mais pontos no jogo(Principalmente a Gameplay e certos bugs que me irritaram profundamente) vou deixar isso para outra oportunidade, uma em que eu já

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Opa opa, me chamo Carlos, tô estudando bastante fundamentos do desenho e vou começar a faculdade de design gráfico.
Gosto de desenhar rostos, góticos e samurais hshshshhs :P

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ah yeah, that makes sense, but I'm curious the same tags work for "a tree" as "a dragon flying through the tree-line" since they are fundamentally different problems to solve. This is not really conclusive, but pretty interesting.

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¿Qué es la selección sexual?

En este breve hilo te enseño los fundamentos de la selección sexual, una de las cosas más bellas de la naturaleza que nos ha moldeado. 🧵

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New Job Showcase! "Left brain vs Right brain" illustration for Dr. Richard Andreatta's textbook, "Neuroscience Fundamentals" (Plural Publishing) by Maury Aaseng.

Explore more:

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This bad daddy has single-handedly gotten me obsessin’ over animation. I wanna bring some life to my drawings! They’re so cold and lifeless as is…

Taking it slowly, learning the fundamentals, focusing on simple movements.

Pray for me, y’all…

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mostly hidden gun marking him as a criminal and where Lestrade's eyes are focused upward, fixing his tie as he faces the future, Patterson's body is angled the other direction and his eyes are fixed downward on that criminal gun, showing the fundamental different sides they're on

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Ja, y decían que Railgun no vuelve hasta la próxima década!

No puedo culpar Shinju por perseguir una fidelidad absoluta, aunque en su caso esa inseguridad parte de compararse a la perfección técnica de su hermana.
Su miedo al rechazo es infundamentado, lo demás no tanto.

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I always appreciate conversations about the fundamental aspects of the story like this

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So far:
- Genesis Ritual YouTube Livestream
- Hot Wallet vs Cold Wallet Workshop

- IPFS / FileCoin / NFTs Workshop
- Fundamentals of Digial Graphics - 101
- Alethea AI Workshop
- IT Systems Workshop - 101

Tribe's utility is to provide free, consistent education👹

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Hoy en el quiero destacar varios personajes femeninos que me han marcado de forma especial y que son piezas fundamentales en sus historias mostrando grandes valores, inteligencia y muchísima fuerza interior. Va por ellas. Va por todas.

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