J'ai ainsi créé la légende du Chaperdinger.

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chers aquasys , si tu veut echaper à ces mogeko...
(lol pour le fan art)
par moi

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sketch sketchsketch sketchsketch sketchsketch sketch Who's that shaper?! :y

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from the author of Frankenstein and shaper of the science fiction genre: Mary Shelley.

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Viridian's portrait for the shaper selection in

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A Shaper is born ... The Dawngate Chronicles http://t.co/YrBRkSDfsa

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<미래의 선택> 은혜 언니~ chaper.10 ..♥.~ ♥윤은혜 剪掉了卷卷扮成土土傻傻的样子混入酒吧当卧底,虽然想念卷卷不过姐姐的短发也很好看~主要是姐姐在剧里面怎么穿都好看

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<미래의 선택> 은혜 언니~chaper.06 宽松毛衣+波点....可爱可爱 So cute...♥.~ ♥윤은혜

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<미래의 선택> 은혜 언니~chaper.01 제주도 여행 ♥윤은혜

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