Hi. Sorry I haven’t been active for a while. I have been posting my art on Tumblr and Instagram, but I almost forgot about Twitter. So, here is a compilation of Days 1 - 7

8 24

Favorite scene: THAT'S REALLY HARD but i'd probably say that point in the finale where the heroes lose and then the villain loses and everyone loses

36 112

Favorite look/outfit: Honestly probably the Hamato duds from the finale but the first one i thought of was Leo's tryhard look from Snow Day.

13 52

Character from another iteration: Gotta show love to Alopex from the IDW comics. Her spiritual journey from animal to mutant life really gets to me.

12 39

Youtube: Flipsy529

Deviantart: Flipsy529

Instagram: Flipsy529

Tumblr: Flipsy529

New Grounds: Flipsy529

tiktok: flipsy529

3 14

Happy Valentines day!

Here's Eternal, she makes friends easily, with a DC of 17, it's the way of the Enchantment Wizard.

5 19