The Director said it won't be the only series so
I hope in 30th Anniversary
RE1 Remake in RE Engine
STARS Anime Series 🔥
story of STARS Members before going to Arkley Mountain

0 5

That's another motivation cause Jill is one of the most iconic and important female character in videogames:she's one of the first girls who has the same background and importance as male's one

11 67

In the prototype version of OG Chris was supposed to be the main character and Jill his NPC partner.
Then Capcom decided to make both mains and they created one of the first female soldier playable in videogames world

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I love Capcom's official arts from cross over♡
RE's my own fav serie since childhood but I like others too like Devil May Cry,Street Fighter,Onimusha,Dino Crisis etc...
That's why I adore Capcom's cross over games*_*

4 24

✨It's the master of unlocking herself!✨
More Resident Evil art coming soon👀

30 205

Jill's costume for official Label (Capcom girls gadgets) seems to be influenced by OG RE3 outfit and the concept art for RE3R

I just want that*-*


35 196

In OG able to know all desks' owners in STARS office (in OG Leon and Claire made some supposition).
Next to Rebecca's one,there's a first aid bag where you pick up first aid spray item,just like in

28 121

Jill and Claire being soft girlfriends 😌💘✨. I just love this idea of these two badass ladies being soft for each other, sorry not sorry 🤭❤.

🔸Pose credit: 🙏💖✨.

14 63

RE4 is a big game
I think they will try to surpass the Original like RE1R, they can't just make a normal remake like RE2R & RE3R, for us RE Classics are the Best but for Capcom the game that sells more like RE4

0 3

You want STARS?
A few weeks ago I managed to play resident evil 3 and had this idea in mind :'3

19 52

Jill's STARS uniform's available as alternative outfit for The Division 2 and Rainbow Six Siege to celebrate RE 25th anniversary.
It's not the first time:Jill's costumes're available also for and We Love Golf!

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