The Fourth Sunday in Lent

"Today all are admonished to strengthen, particularly, that disposition of the heart which exercises, in a special manner, a beneficial influence over our life in the service of God, namely, our trust in His providence."

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Hey merci pour ce tweet ! :33 Moi c'est Ether, ex-étudiant en Game Art, grand fan de l'univers de Dofus/Wakfu et de Yu-Gi-Oh, mon truc c'est les poses dynamiques, et sinon j'commence à faire un peu d'animation aussi (c'est très lent à sortir ça par contre aha /shot) vala !

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언젠가 업로드될 Lent lily 커버일러스트

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I finally drew the super cute adoptable I bought for my bday. His name is Lent and he's a little spring spirit.

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Connaissez vous quelqu'un de plus lent que moi pour dessiner ?

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'Hoard up your goldhoard in heaven': treasure, dragons, wordhoards, and an Anglo-Saxon sermon for the first Sunday in Lent

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for me is a time where I recognise the tough times & wrongdoings A reflection The blue the dark times The white cross is healing & restoration These give me

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Mum was hyping me about hamburgers for today for like two days and then she pulls the whole, “oh we can’t eat meat today because lent. I forgot”. I’m not even religious anymore and I just

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Gimme all the crawfish! 🔥🦞⚜️🦞🔥

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my last purchase before i gave up online shopping for lent smh

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I love that "Pancake Day" is the day before Ash Wednesday. They know what they're doing since there's a lot of fasting going on now because of Lent. I'm hip to their jive.

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on Lent for "This Lent we have a very good preacher three times a week; he talks of the good moral principles in the Gospels and tells everyone many truths; however I prefer the Massillon series of sermons for Lent ..."

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6 March. Ash Wednesday The first day of Lent. A holy day of fasting and repentance when ashes are smeared on the foreheads of churchgoers.

"Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return."

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Keep calm and put ashes on. Lent begins.
Ash Wednesday

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Asmund is not very good at vore but by god does he sure try!
Hand belongs to Heather, lent to me for this pic by Gally. Thank you!


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“Shrove Tuesday” is the name of the day before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday. The word “shrove” is the past tense of the English word “shrive” which means to obtain absolution for one’s sins by way of confession and by doing penance. 🥞 ☘️

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Mmmmmm! Pancakes!!!! Today we celebrate not only one of our foundresses’ birthday, but Shrove Tuesday as well! French pancakes and American pancakes are represented today! 🥞

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Which of your favourite pancake toppings has the least impact on the environment?
Beth did some research to find out. Read it here:

this Lent. Take on the challenge to change your lifestyle with Living Lent.

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Last day of biscuits before and then everything will look like biscuits

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