My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 5 begins in April 4th 7:30/6:30 CST
3.30/2.30 MSK

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We feel it's a good time to share some Toola Roola, so much hype, let's not forget the past.

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just a party for MLP Season 5

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FINALLY! We can all rest easy tonight. April 4th will be the premiere! get

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Oh look, Pinkie says hi to the community while the watch the premiere of xD

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Ready to meet Twilight's replacement for She's Penny Royalacademy & her special talent is buying books!

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Honestly what's wrong with making a pegasi, earth pony or unicorn rather then all 3.?

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'Let the rainbow remind you, that together we will always shine!'

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Twilight dragon & spike pony hmmm 💭

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I'll let the image speak for itself because I'm beyond words! xD

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Todays Pony Pic. (PIC 1) RT, new pics everyday :3

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Well... is over... Let the wait begin!!! (By the way, this is my thousandth tweet ;3)

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This is it folks, the before the Season 4 finale tomorrow.

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Much love for Rarity this season, and FOUR epic Rarity breakdowns. Rarity fans are going wild.

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has LunaPops for sale today! | Shirt Punch Competition | Please Retweet! <3

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First we have Flutterhulk then Flutterbat, Flutterbee, and Flutterbreezie. What's next?

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