Eyy so I decided to take a break from my socials, Ramadan is here too so its perfect timing 🙈❤
I'll still be active on Patreon and draw commish tho 🥰

Can't wait to celebrate this beautiful month and experience it to the fullest 🥰 Till then, see you!

Will miss you,

3 39

knocking on our doors and I'm so excited for the late night spiritual moments

3 31

Don’t make Fun of someone’s change in Ramadan. Ramadan is coming to change People.♥️

3048 5801

Don't forget you still have all weekend to get this very special Ramadan avatar as well as 2X Event Pass XP!

How far do you plan to get in your Game On Pass?

26 286

Don't forget you still have all weekend to get this very special Ramadan avatar as well as 2X Event Pass XP!

How far do you plan to get in your Game On Pass?

32 443

Tengo buenas vibraciones del nuevo traje de Ezra Miller en

Me encantaría un traje menos metálico y más estético, con un poco más de malla de superhéroe. Andy Muschietti no nos decepcionará y por lo pronto, muy buenas Apariciones programadas para la película. ⚡

4 42

Naruto and Sasuke getting ready for Ramadan 🕋🤲🏼

154 731

Dah nak masuk bulan Ramadan kan, meh i share makanan ready to eat/cook yg boleh korang beli kat Shopee utk makan time sahur or berbuka.


251 442

It's last Friday before we meet Ramadan, InsyaAllah. Let's get ready to make this the best Ramadan ever! 💞

38 67

Pas pertama ikut taraweh wkwk.. kira celeng itu wajib, wkwk.. 🤣🤭, jgn lupa siapin duit buat isi celengan masjid, itu celengan akhirat mu

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🌙✨🕯 Ramadan 🕯✨🌙
Acrylic on canvas

9 20

I've been busy these days with internship 🥺 so here's my recent artwork using illustrator for this ramadan.. maybe I should fix the colouring because it's more grey than what I thought

3 16

El 8/4 empezará la distribución de 'Miyu wa shinda koibito wo yobimodoshitakatta' de Aniya Yuiji; 'Itoshii kimi tono shoya jijo' de Sattsu Kida, y 'Mumatama!' de Umiko Seto. A partir de mayo, está programada la aparición de un trabajo nuevo de una mangaka muy popular del género.

1 7

Ramadhan segera tiba

Walau Al-Aqsha saat ini berada dalam penjajahan, penduduk sekitar Al-Quds tetap berusaha meramaikan Al Aqsha. Saat Ramadan, ratusan ribu jamaah akan mengunjungi Al-Aqsha untuk beribadah, belajar Al-Quran, dan menghadiri majelis ilmu

2 25

Tengo pendientes terminar algunos covers que empecé. Cuál querríais escuchar antes?

- My War (SNK OP 6)
- Envy Baby (Kanaria)
- Last Message (Marvin Valentin)

Hay otros sorpresa que ya tienen programada la fecha :x
- ?? (Neru) Dueto
- ?? (minato) Dueto
- ?? (GigaxReol) Dueto

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