I am a little late but I saw this still https://t.co/YtjmYOFPPV a week back when I was really busy with finals and just had to make it 😭💕

50 134

A finished commission from for the fic “By Candlelight” by This was hilarious! I loved the banter and it definitely made me want to draw Hux in his various outfits!


13 22

I’ve been listening to a lot of Taylor Swift’s songs and ended up with Reylo Actor/SingerAU where Rey’s a pop singer who’s pinning for someone she can’t have: her (fake) model friend’s boyfriend and the hottest actor of the century aka Ben Solo.

27 97

Just finished this commission from for wonderful and hilarious story “Ben’s Dilemma” on AO3 - I particularly love the Armitage/Ben antagonistic dynamic. Go read this fic!


5 15

Finally I can show you one of the things I've been working on! Lovely commissioned me to illustrate a gift fic for , Night of Fright (https://t.co/XJjUIucGF3). Thea, I hope you like it as much as I do. 😏 Spooky season go! 🎃

4 29

Talk about his lips...his lips are so thrillable.
I can't describe his kiss in words of one syllable.
He's even more than desirable.
And what's moreable he's mine.

Thai University AU

4 16

What is he thinking about?😁

😚 She's even more than adorable.
And what's moreable she's all mine.😚

11 36

made this lovely piece for my dancefic, 'Hold Me Close' (https://t.co/jKIW8Dd0vx) and I adore it! The abs don't hurt, either 😉💙

check it out!

11 18

Reylo AU Salary Man&OL

5 18

'k, quick and dirty coloring of the angsty Dragon Age AU.

9 25

1st place Reylo Art Request from duffyren-shellierey! Congratulations again on winning and hope you like the Vanity Fair cover inspired background :)

52 152