画質 高画質

"Existen repliegues en el tiempo y en el espacio, en la fantasía y en la realidad, que sólo un soñador puede adivinar..."
El ciclo onírico de Randolph Carter bellamente ilustrado en un tomo para coleccionistas.

4 12

redraw from last year... time isnt real

23 102

Eu demoro mt pra desenhar... Nem lembro qnd foi o último q eu postei

1 6

this is ichigo's birthday art from last year.... i love you angel

47 106

I’m desensitised to most horror media but this.... this is too far...

0 32

Time can be a tight fist trying to catch rain while hiding beneath an oak tree whose foliage is thicker than closed minds. I'd rather let it be fluid as the water between the hills near...#ProjectFairytale 1/2

6 39

¿Será correcta esa frase aunque nos chirrie? Lo tengo q buscar...

0 1

It’s been one year...dreaming of warm hugs today 💛

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As I was texturing my Pinacosaurus based on these colors, I was thinking it looked too familiar... These are basically the same colors as on the thorny devil PNSO Pinacosaurus– their model was announced after I did my mockup, I swear! Should I change it up to avoid comparison? https://t.co/w6wgfxMFIY

0 12

La devoción que siente Nakyum por el sabio Inhun será el chantaje perfecto que usará Seungho para obligarle a pintar... Y es que esas malditas pinturas eróticas son la fuente de toda la lujuria desbordada que había perdido tiempo atrás. ¿Conseguirá finalmente recuperarla?

0 13

El problema de Nakyum, el artista, es que tras haber publicado una pequeña colección de esas pinturas decidió no volver a pintar... Pero eso no es algo que a Seungho le quite el sueño, ya que el chico se valdrá de más de una táctica para convencerlo de volver al oficio.

0 14

Un dibujo por terminar...
Y talvez empieze el Koishiverso

Parte 0
One more draw...
And the Koishiverse maybe starts

Part 0

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Crono: Sabes que no puedo dejarte marchar... ¿cierto?, representas una gran amenaza para mi agenda...

Basado en el fangame de pokemon titan

11 71

Reddit user found this concept art of Wanda from Age of Ultron that looks oddly familiar...

0 4

Pues ayer me puse a bocetar peinados para Lady por probar... cuál creéis que le pega más?

8 50

Here are my favourites so far...(the last one is dropping this week)...

2 9

Beth am gael cwtsh gyda’ch plentyn a mwynhau gwrando ar stori Ti... addasiad gan Eurig Salisbury ar...

Cuddle up with your child and enjoy having Ti... / You... by adapted by Eurig Salisbury, read to you in Welsh here...


1 1

Thinking Dazai has the habit to sneak inside Chuuya's house to replace his wine by vinegar...after Storm Bringer i feel its to protect him rather than annoy him like he pretends since he knows alcohol is like poison for his body,Dazai's plans always have a hidden purpose

19 195