画質 高画質

SOmeTHing tEars fRoM iNsIde tHe BoX and QuiCklY HiDeS fROm ToM.

IT gLoWs bEHinD tHE bOX.

It LoOkeD lIkE a CreaTuRe fROM tHe QuiCK gliMPsE ToM gOT.

IT hAD InCreDible SpEEd. ITS clAWs and TaiL beCAme MoRE oBviOus.

WhAT was ToM abOut To MeEt?

147 381

March Sunset

If you are interested in commissioning an oil painting on canvas of this art print, please send me an email at troy.com.

This is a reproduction of Todd Brady’s “March Sunset over Austin” of 2021: https://t.co/ANNUdvTHJH

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Spadajca Gwiazda

If you are interested in commissioning an oil painting on canvas of this art print, please send me an email at troy.com.

Wonderful Polish fantasy masterpiece Spadajca Gwiazda, Falling Star, https://t.co/b7xSGiURct

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Fui-Fui "Ezriel" Knight 🛡️
- The Superior Knight of Lev kingdom. This shield is an ancient artifact of the kingdom. Use to protect the citizens since 500 Years ago. Ezriel is the guard of King L. as well.

More lore.👇

List today at 10PM (GMT+7).

3 5

Thank for tuning in for another color request sketch day!! Lots of fun!!

Oh, OMG, I did an 8hr stream (*w*)

Thanks and for the raids!!! Much appreciated~

Requests from...

2 12

Just try telling me she isn't a Dom.
Absolutely Top tier design probably one of the best to this day

1 8

Tenía muchas ganas de dibujar personajes estilo Sonic y el diseño de me gustó.

(Hasta ahora tuve oportunidad de escanear, jaja)

Una disculpa si es algo muy random. https://t.co/LVVPWNExy0

1 6

Presente das...2 da manhã quase?
Bom...acho que me empolguei

32 384

Omnom. Just demons doing demon things. Gourim loves a good munch. Poor Kael. Can't catch a break.

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If you are interested in commissioning an oil painting on canvas of this art print, please send me an email at troy.com.

Thanks to my friend from Stansted, England for purchasing this marvelous Biblical art print: https://t.co/760PgtFHyT

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Went on a sketch spree for some fresh concepts (since i can't find which sketchbook had the original doodles in them). Main Character Cassidy and her Mom. And the original Starlights and disproportionate weapons. Love is the "leader"

0 2

Ref and my current model that's chibi
Would honestly love constructve criticism!
I'm an elven queen that doesn't like doing work and slacks off when ruling over the small kingdom. The people often call me the fool queen since I often play games and draw rather than rule.

1 4

TOm WALkS CloSeR AnD clOser to WHeRE ThE SoUnD WAS CoMING froM.

On arrIvAl, hE fINdS A mYstERiouS Box.

thE souNd WAs CoMInG from thE bOx, IT shAKeS viGoROuSlY, SOmethinG aLIVE WAS InSIDE...

anY sEconD nOw... SomETHing IS AbOUT TO RiP oPeN froM InsIDE ThE Box...

182 424

생일 축하해 에바!!
요즘 낙서를 안햇더니 그 실력마저 사라져서... 진짜 낙서로 축하해버렸지만...

from. 생일 파티에 참석하고 싶은 이모

5 6

The "I hate fan service" or "I hate perverted characters" fandom. (not that I hate violence and gore in all anime myself, just pointing out the hypocrisy)

2 6

While they rest, Muffin remembers what Maple said about his mom...and, then, remembers what their nightly ritual with their uncle Tiramisu was like as a child📖💤

Spring and a Storm: Part 2 of [The] World is Mine is out on ; check it out!


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Gone are the years of your Kingdom. Gone is your fame, your glory. Now there is only you, and the wind.

18 65

The OC vs The Inspiration

80% of the time they are the smartest man in the room... and they KNOW IT. https://t.co/vdr2ECowUp

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