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Happy 9th anniversary to one of my favorite franchises of all time. I got into this series when I was on the 3DS eshop one day just looking around then I saw this game. Looked fun and cool so I bought it and fell in love with it and never looked back.
Today's...well...It's the anniversary of SK, which is also considered Kagura's birthday given she doesn't technically have one. & hey, Senran's beautiful & literal goddess deserves her own day. \>w</ Happy "Birthday" Kagura! & Happy Anniversary SK! 🎉🎂🎉\^W^/🎉🎂🎉 #SenranKagura
Happy 9 years of glorious life and hometown!
Happy anniversary to Senran Kagura!
#閃乱カグラ #SenranKagura
Happy 9th anniversary to SenranKagura. Thanks for the memories 🙏🎉🎉 #SenranKagura
Today is the day, Happy Birthday 9th anniversary to Senran Kagura!!! 🎂😍
Happy 9th Anniversary Senrans!
You've brought us life, hometown, and love. #閃乱カグラ #SenranKagura
Happy 9th Birthday Senran Kagura!! 🥳🎊👙
Left one is from 2013, Right one is from 2020~
Everyone here knows what means this franchise for me~
Follow me, @AkiraLightArts for more SK drawings and @SenranInterAcad for SK goodness~
#閃乱カグラ #SenranKagura #Pencildrawing