画質 高画質

perceive him... he’s happi to pop a party popper... liddol boy

136 460

Thinking about him...........

0 1


pov: you have just reunited with an acquaintance from your high school days. while he rambles about something (you think it's cars), you realize that you may just have feelings for him...

17 66

Just when things start feeling better, another blow hits....

We lost our cat Jack tonight....our neighbors’ dogs killed him...we took him to an ER vet but the damage was too severe and we couldnt afford the $800+ surgery to fix what had been done....our hearts hurt tonight...

3 19

Um.....im.....im not sure.

5 12

Tiny BY likes to sleep in but Long ge can't complain💤

(Why do I feel like he gets tinier everytime I draw him...😓)

41 79

(someone requested hanzo in my fav skin, which I know doesn't have horns but..!)

9 67

stares at this horse.. i lov him...

177 976

Bora mais de 20 minutos assim...

0 21

I decided to make some shorts leading up to 1st bombing mission


“Call him...”
“You sure?”
“We have to do this. We need men. I’m ready to grasp at anything, Tifa. If you say we can trust him, I’ll trust you.”

16 61

Forgot how much I hate blending 😔 it’s a good thing I care him.........

11 137

the sheet says to DM me but my dms werent open to non followers im....

0 0

So, a couple sessions ago for Payload oneshots, the team learned Tempest is an heir to a DiMaKi subsidiary basically

What they don't know quite yet is that he has a personalized android retainer, Saefi, built specifically to save him... from himself (and other dangers)

6 21

DAY 82: I LOVE THIS PIC SO MUCH bc of Kurama's nice smile!!! Look at him... everyone else is like >:| and he's the only one who's smiling pleasantly hehe✨
Also love their outfits!! kurahi and kuwameshi r matching collars...😳😳

4 13

then mayb..... him........ his names snapper

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