画質 高画質

Probanding a colorear diferente con el Zen u//v//u

6 18

메신저 프로필 사진으로 쓰려고 가볍게 그린 여주

1 5

올만에 그려봅니다 홀홀 오랜만에 그리니까 그리기 귀찮아(?)

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I am poor drawer😞
But I made an effort drawing RFA members!
수메를 좋아합니다 ❤︎

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어서와. 너를 기다리고 있었어.

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I drew my favorite character, Saeran! I love him!! 💖🌹

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<수상한 메신저의 초대> 투표 이벤트 1등 멤버 발표!

축하합니다~! 🎉🎉
🌟특별 보너스컷🌟 은 8/8 연재분
27화 마지막에서 확인 하실 수 있습니다.

당첨자 확인👉https://t.co/4OwpfjsogA
웹툰 바로가기👉 https://t.co/mbpo2t5Pa2

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Dedicated to and inspired by a friend on instagram 💕

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Outfit swap!!

My favs from Mystic Messenger & AfterLife share the same (Korean) va! 🥺💞

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Reposting and old fanwork for Mystic Messenger. This 2 cgs actually have a ministory. SPOILER ALERT TO BRE2 So watch at you own risk 😊


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He's holding my favorite rose, it's called "Love" 💗

(re-posting because I am a dumb and accidentally deleted the original 😭)

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I still don't see that someone post this Start Screen, so, here are xD

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