2SEOK ♡ (please do not repost without permission/credit/tag)

61 151

◎貴サークル「DRUG/TAG/21」は、金曜日 西地区“う”ブロック-08b に配置されました。

23 47

"하지마!" (no repost without permission/credit/tag, thanks!)

3733 5910

Draw for 💔💔

Marquem ele/tag him❤💔

11 65

drew bunny jk a while ago but i guess i'll post it here now lol

5 39

✨Hype! & I started a streaming community for interactive & kind streamers💫 is an LGBTQIA team for part-time streamers that work hard while balancing life! Stream with us OR follow! 🌈https://t.co/BdyOsCpvHt
🌈 Follow//tag the twitter for boosts!

16 29

//tags crim for the third time im sorry but i have to post in twitter too but this is my secret santa piece of yagen ok dropped it off bye

15 18

This happen when
-too shy to greet mutual/fanartist
-late for drawing popular scene/ event/tags

0 19


11 77

8/11シ-25b DRUG/TAG/21

7 8

"Siamo come ali in volo, da sempre,
dal primo tuffo nell'aria
all'ultimo sogno
caduto nel nostro cuore"

13 16

tagged by idk if im doing this right just putting down my interests here coughs /tagging back

0 4

//Tagged by
It was difficult to admit one of them. Lord, forgive me, for I have sinned...

0 3

...and here's the Echinacea linocut Emmy's Flowers will soon be using on her cards/tags ect

0 13

[牛及]/Tag 03.趁對方睡著時幹壞事。

37 61

[牛及]/Tag 02.拍大頭貼時是僵硬表情。

42 55

[牛及]/Tag 01.逛街時勾著搖晃小指。

34 63


【山下良平 個展 "SESSION" 】

山下良平 × 岸本亮(fox capture plan)
開場/11:30 開演/12:00
会場/春吉 TAGSTÅ
問合せ/TAGSTÅ 092-724-7721

5 1