5Hrs 45Min comm for
Vanilla was shrunk by Que-Tee Maid before he could head out into the battlefield. "I wouldn't want you to get hurt out there" she coos. "You can stay inside my special cage necklace. It has special EXP sharing abilities"

21 90



102 336

Mes dessins pour du Globidessin ce vendredi soir :
- 1er, ~2h00, thèmes : dictateur, pouce, mutant
- 2nd, ~4h00, thèmes : dictateur, pouce, mutant
- 3e, ~45min, thèmes : champignon, épouvantail, fantôme

3 14

para celebrar el lanzamiento de Un juego de Michał Oracz para 2-4 jugadores y duración de 30-45min.


para ganar un Solo para España. El ganador será anunciado el 18/09/2019

1949 547

Beef: 45mins at 160C
Potatoes: 40 minutes at 230C
Puddings: 25 minutes at 220C.

Me, with one oven:

1 5