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Eu amo o humor absurdo da sksksksk

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I love how this panel came out. It's chaotic, absurd and has the only kind of censorship I like- as a joke

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The contrast with Uzuki's obsession with climbing up the ladder is well executed, she stands out a lot thanks to it. She's also the most annoying fight in the game so there's always that to consider lmao

Her glowup in NEO is absurd though, girlboss shit

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Eu quero que vocês deixem muito RT aqui pra divulgar esse projeto pq o trabalho que tiveram nele é ABSURDO, então faz até desde seu irmão até sua vó assistir esse masterpiece!

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Helen Chazan reviews The Music of Marie, the first official translation of an early serial by Usamaru Furuya: “a cosmic horror manga and a social satire about nothing less than the divine feminine, an absurd and frightening concept indeed.” https://t.co/GWQKjuXLO2

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No ha estado mal, humor épico y absurdo, pero me deja con mal sabor de boca porque se ha quedado en una película que no destaca en nada, ni aporta nada

No merece la pena verla en el cine, miradla por internet

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Thor Love and Thunder hay que ir a verla sabiendo que es una película para reírse y divertirse (si es que puedes xd) de lo absurda que es. Me da pena que no se hayan tomado tan en serio al personaje en esta peli porque el guion podría haber tenido mucho potencial 💔.

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Heyo! Da name's RobMosq! Art ideas tend to flicker on for me on random days of the week! I take said ideas to create something cool whether the idea is absurd or chill! I love making Aesthetic Fanart lol

Thank ya for the opportunity!

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Poh cara ta dizendo que esse cara não tem estilo??? Que absurdo☝️😔 e o bom é que o Bucetarati troca de corpo com ele quase no final e da para ver ele melhor heh (e ele ainda mereceu o que teve 😌)

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Hello, I am Marc P.I. and I make extremely high-effort absurd art, which can sometimes be the worst thing you've ever seen.

🎨 https://t.co/SIlQkXWCyF
📷 https://t.co/YpXWa0mr6R
🖼️ https://t.co/ZdoI4pUsVc

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Depois dessa sequencia absurda, eu vou ser obrigado a te seguir kkkkkkk aproveita e da uma olhada nas minhas artes 👀 https://t.co/9CP4fhROkk

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One of these days I’ll finish world building around this absurd near-earth-sized map I made

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Wei WuXian se rió con amargura, sus ojos se volvieron rojos. Dijo, burlándose de Su She y burlándose de sí mismo —Pensar que todo fue por alguien como tú... ¡Todo por una razón ridículamente absurda!

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Jaymao webberson tá fazendo um trampo pika demais,OLHA ESSAS FOTO CARA,BAGULHO ABSURDO,imagina daqui a uns anos,sinistro

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Hey everyone, I’m Munchbud Ink, a freelance digital artist who likes to draw absurd and surreal ideas on Adobe Illustrator! I’m looking for work in creating such designs as you see below!


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guys this may seem absurd but it is very much possible for his model to look like this because how russian leaders are portrayed in popular media, but i doubt he wouldnt also be killed like rosalyne if thats the case 😂

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Rapaz, o Hunter novo (e umas imagens que eu vi esses dias) tá me dando uma vontade absurda de revisitar meu projeto de Storytelling de fantasia

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