This was one of several engravings of whales made after Goltzius's designs. A washed up whale was an interesting opportunity to study the creature, but could also be interpreted as an ill omen, as often emphasized in the accompanying text on such illustrated broadsides.

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Obariyon lurks at roadsides then jumps out at travelers and demands a piggyback ride. It grows heavier with each step and in some tales the person is crushed, in others they get home to discover they're carrying a big sack of money. art by

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Obariyon lurks at roadsides then jumps out at travelers and demands a piggyback ride. It grows heavier with each step and in some tales the person is crushed, in others they get home to discover they're carrying a big sack of money. art by

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Cast Assessment: I'm getting bad feelings about McKinley, may be an early boot for the Democrat Tribe. Nixon has done some blindsides in seasons past, don't see him getting far. And FDR is the only four-time player, definitely a big threat out there.

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Liz Davis found Thistle in a WWII bomb site in East London (2017). William Curtis () found some along London's roadsides and cornfields in the late 18th century. Via and

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| The Small Press issue is at the printers! With broadsides reviews | by Kyle Simmers |

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Lately the roadsides are covered in these crazy tall thistles. They're pretty lovely when they aren't in my yard!

1 14

Shortbackandsides? Congrats to and his cast and crew on the premiere of !Cant wait :3

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