Concept 1 for my Moses Arkayan (The Ferryman's) S Tier skin: Torrent! It's more for fun than actually legit, no way NE would allow this LMAOO - also some photography... just cuz

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my latest Ferry painting, although I love to celebrate the female form too. Happy lesbian day, live strong and true. Gay mum, gay partner gay artist, human being.x🌈🎨

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I really must come back and do some more paintings up here... so much to paint around Wisemans Ferry. “Pink Light on the Hawkesbury River”, 35X45cm, oil on board.

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Peintures à l'huile de l'artiste Français, Pascal Ferry.

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Fitch Ferry Boat before a Breeze
Simon de Vlieger
17th century

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Harbor porpoises from the Port Townsend-Coupeville ferry.

“in the deep”

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Avanza la semana
Hay veces que los problemas te atacan de frente y no es nuestro estilo ni escondernos ni agachar la cabeza, sino afrontarlos tal cual vienen y mirándoles a los ojos.
A por todas!
art by Pasqual Ferry

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Superman art by Pasqual Ferry

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Awesome artwork of my two favorites girls Ferry and Mai done for me by amazing thankyou <3

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I only trace when I have a sketch I wanna bust out so peps can get my ideas,or if I’m doing colour studies and such like these,messing around with different effects like the bottom of the Ferryman but if someone said draw the first three from scratch the exact same I couldn’t.

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Even the “simplest” character design, Skelly, has the absolutely delightful touch of having Charon’s obol in his mouth. ”Charon’s obol” is a coin placed in the mouth of the dead as payment for Charon to ferry them across the Styx.

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the part in the first pokemon movie where the ferry is cancelled so all the trainers ride their mons through the storm is the best scene in the original run of the anime and maybe in all pokemon media ever. this is what it's ABOUT!!

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What pi$$es me off is that was really4 2ferry THEIR staff about! The 'bank' that IS

are teeming with

IS of

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Date A Live: Lotus Dystopia - デート・ア・ライブ 蓮ディストピア and by ferryjan, 1hr 30 - 2 hours 🎮🏆🥳 by

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Aikiss - アイキス and by ferryjan! 5 mins 🎮🏆🥳 (Time based on Using Jump to next choice) Out now on and Romance by

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YES I made a character for 's universe. NO I will probably not draw her again. YES I'm still very pleased with how she turned out (Check out the music Ferry makes though!! They're a huge inspiration of mine)

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