So Kenny here doesn't have a crazy rank. But does that really matter to him ? Not in the slightest. Kool Ken Kitaro will not be phased by the opinion of others.

0 0

Safe to say it’s a cat market now 📈🔥

Been seeing nothing but on my feed all day so decided to pickup a few

Where all my kitaro fam at?

53 241

I love this community so much the art is just incredible ! Loving seeing the community grow and I want to give back to such an amazing community. I will be giving away a gold
To enter :
Follow me
Like and retweet
And tag 3 friends

758 920

grabbed myself a ! love the art on these🔥
had to get a glow eyes to match my killabear👀
kitaro follow kitaro ?

10 29

Who got Kitaros with Companions?

9 32

Gem Sweep! 15 Kitaro World Official bought for 2.95278 ETH

1 3

Lost for words with this community, art, and team. 💜💜💜

I was lucky enough to win this from giveaway during the spaces that were held not too long ago 100% from organic community.

Thank you so much everyone and keep on Kitaroing!

32 142

REALLLLLYYY Loving the art and concept.....

This is something special.

1 11

Let’s see how strong this community is 🚀🚀🚀🚀

77 250

I am still and always a gob, but just gave me that sense of fomo I NEVER get unless accurate.

Not financial advice, ape in at will.

1 12

Today hits new volume highs and future looking bright for the project 🔥

24 129

Come collide n vibe w the fam 😻

2 11

Incredible art captured my heart.🤩
is the giant of our dreams who will accompany us on this adventure.
Honoured to be part of this family!

12 59