ハリポタ スネイプ先生


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Heterosexual Character of Today:

Severus Snape from the Harry Potter Series

283 700

A young in a different painting method than usual. 🐍

2 10

Albus and Scorpius’ first encounter is the only acceptable way to introduce yourself to your future boyfr- *cough* I mean best friend ;)

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On this day in Dumbledore is murdered by Severus Snape. (1997)

45 171

During one of the staff meetings 😂

29 62

Severus Vakarian, Vigile Captain and Garrus' much more traditional cousin (also a bit of an asshole)

4 20

I adore Leon, but there’s just something about him that really makes me want to kick his ass.
Also yes. The Yamper’s name is Toast. I love her.

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สงสารสเนป โดยเฉพาะตอนที่ย้อนอดีต และคำพูด ตลอดไป
After all this time?

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