Bed time..

Herbsthimmel am Meer

🎨 Emil Nolde

Good night tweeps.

9 15

Realtoptweeps messed up some of the avatars, but it's fair. Here's my interaction circle.

1 8

Lol, the weird thing is that people who "usually don't do it" rarely use that line.

By the way, I have been drawing cartoon pictures of tweeps and their loved ones❣️ at a discount price of just 1k. Send a DM to get yours done too. Check my profile to see some previous drawings.

2 10

"It's like Corona virus is affecting the ram" lol

By the way, I have been making cartoon drawings of tweeps, at a discount price of just 1k. Send a DM to also have yours done. You can check my pinned thread and profile to see some of the previous works I've done

0 12

Judge: The 3 witnesses' testimonies do not agree on the assault weapon. This case is hereby dismissed.

Anyway, I've been drawing cartoon pictures of tweeps and their loved ones❣️, at a discount price of just 1k. Send a DM to get yours too. Check my profile to see more drawings.

10 56

Lol, they actually did it till Z.

Anyway, I've been drawing cartoon pictures of tweeps and their loved ones♥️, at a discount price of just 1k. Send a DM to get yours done too. You can check my profile to see some of the works I've done.

1 28

Thanks so much great mentions.all these great tweeps! I’ll be doing a shoutout soon! Need to find time as soooo busy just now. Have an amazing day! Weather going to be fab! M xxx

0 2

I don't know why many people find it hard to say they don't know the place. They just be giving wrong directions

Anyway, I've been drawing cartoon pictures of tweeps, at a discount price of just 1k. Send a DM to get yours too. Check my profile to see some more drawings I've done

3 13

Lol, they need to learn to follow rules. Well, let them lose small weight.

Anyway, I've been doing cartoon drawings of tweeps and their loved ones♥️, at a discount price of just 1k. Send a DM to get yours too. You can check my profile to see some of the other ones I've done.

2 11

Lol, this guy deserves a special ward dedicated to him in a psychiatric hospital. Nicely done 👏

Anyway, I've been drawing tweeps and their loved ones♥️ at a discount price of just 1k. Send a DM to get yours done too. See my profile to view some of the works I've done.

0 5

You can't watch this video without smiling. HML to you both.

Also, I've been drawing HD quality cartoon pictures of tweeps and their loved ones❣️, currently at a discount price of just 1k. DM to get yours too. Also, check my profile to see some of the other cartoons I've done.

2 10

Now this is love. The kind of content we signed up for.

Also, I've been drawing HD quality cartoon pictures of tweeps and their loved ones❣️, currently at a discount price of just 1k. DM to get yours too. Also, check my profile to see some of the other cartoons I've done.

0 1

Now this is love. The kind of content we signed up for.

Also, I've been drawing HD quality cartoon pictures of tweeps and their loved ones❣️, currently at a discount price of just 1k. DM to get yours too. Also, check my profile to see some of the other cartoons I've done.

0 1

Driving in Lagos is 80% sitting in traffic.

By the way, I've been drawing HD quality cartoon pictures of tweeps and their loved ones❣️, currently at a discount price of just 2k. DM to get yours too. Also, check my profile to see some of the other cartoons I've done.

2 32

PawPaw is okay. The one I don't understand is SOUR chop

By the way, I've been drawing HD quality cartoon pictures of tweeps and their loved ones❣️, currently at a discount price of just N500. DM to get yours too. Also, check my profile to see some of the other cartoons I've done

3 4

Lol, he was trying to sneak in behind the others.

By the way, I've been drawing HD quality cartoon pictures of tweeps and their loved ones❣️, currently at a discount price of just N500. DM to get yours too. Also, check my profile to see some of the other cartoons I've done.

2 4

Lol this guy is not well. Nice thread👏

By the way, I've been drawing HD quality cartoon pictures of tweeps and their loved ones❣️, currently at a discount price of just N500. DM to get yours too. Also, check my profile to see some of the other cartoons I've done.

0 6

Lol, this is so creative...even followed a storyline👏

By the way, I've been drawing HD quality cartoon pictures of tweeps and their loved ones❣️, currently at a discount price of just N500. DM to get yours too. Also, check my profile to see some of the other cartoons I've done.

3 10

Lol, don't blame them. That guy looks like your throwback.

By the way, I've been drawing HD quality cartoon pictures of tweeps and their loved ones❣️, currently at a discount price of just N500. DM to get yours too. Also, check my profile to see some other cartoons I've done.

16 37