I would mint some right now https://t.co/z29SP3rGfX
The hottest nft project (they adopt sloths too) and I aped in heavy to this one!

23 55

Aped into

Just chilling and listening to music.

7 51

I aped in and got the M2 version of my too. Looks sick! Sitting on the OG, M1 and M2 of this guy now.

72 1374

I just came to my senses, aped in and grabbed another 4 Yakims. I get the feeling in a few months I won't be able to afford them any more.

1 14

Just aped into with this dapper lil fella! …only 3030 total, getting grabbed up!

2 3

Just aped into . These look DOPE AF. 🔥

1 day old, 2k $ETH volume, nearly 4k owners & currently a 0.25 $ETH floor.

With an RPG game & potential airdrops ('companions') to look forward to, IMO these could seriously take off


80 279

Guys! I am addicted !
I aped in again! 🧟‍♂️ 🦍

1 30

Bruhhh I have two KIAs abs just aped heavy into more wallas

0 0

Aped together into the Mutant Ape cos why not... The Merch hat + Suit + Pipe is dope


0 5

aped a crown for 10 🤔

8 286

Forgot to change my pfp some days ago.. Aped in, is still valid and ?

28 182

dunno what about u but i aped into made by

2 year old mints created by AI.. if that isnt bluechip alpha i dont know.. when 100Ξ floor.. when..


28 111

Took the plunge and Aped in. Joint owner but currently have custody of this beauty just in time for Halloween season. His shirt is fitting given my affinity for the 💀 and of course

17 246