¡Nuevo Cómic!

Para les traigo un consejo: si quieren impresionar al Sr. Hamlin, añadan algo de Hamlindigo blue a su vestimenta. Main OK

4 19

“I’ve known good criminals and Bad cops..”

Mike is one badass pop-pop and one of the best characters ever written and no one can play him better than Jonathan Banks! ♥️

Another illustration for at

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5 11

¡Nuevo cómic!

Ajá, aquí está la piecita para la ya saben muchachos, dejen de intentar salvar a Kim, ella se salva sola.

6 24

imagine being a prosecutor about to take down the criminal of the century and this jolly chaotic neutraltype kicks the door open to cheerfully destroy your career

Also super happy to hear Bob Odenkirk is recovering from his medical ordeal and wishing him well!

14 41

man considering whether you are a cautious man, your partner was late, and he was high, and he is high often isn’t he; you have poor judgement

8 15

The Davis&Main Staff Erin, Cliff, and Omar! Jessie Ennis, Omar Maskati

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Happy Birthday ☠🎂🪓 I hope you have an amazing day & wish you all the best 🎉 Enjoy that slice of 'cake' ☠

3 32

i have bad feelings about what’s to come please just get them to the vacuum man

1 42