Title: Ajogbo (Shared listing)
Size: 2ft by 3ft
Artist: Genga Adeku
Exclusive to https://t.co/hYqFURorXh

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It does! 😅 I mean you might be right - who knows if they replaced the roundel mouldings for Stones? But equally it could be one of those weird optical illusions. I always think of this photo of the 63 set, where the roundels were definitely concave but look oddly convex here 🤪

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Premio Aconcagua a , en reconocimiento a sus 20 Años de Trayectoria en el Periodismo Independiente (Teatro Independencia, Mza - 2/12/19). Gracias a Gaby Gongora y Darío Pela Manfredi por dejarme formar parte de tan indispensable estandarte de resistencia cultural.

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Eyyy a finished full body com for the always lovely :iconcandychoi: !
Twitter i will fist you if you crop this weird

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‘Study for Nesalea’ on board 18x18cm now showing with 6 other pieces at the Amanda Aldous Fine Art until 8 December

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trying to work on a hi-poly soon model
why does subsurf make her median concave??

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Highlights from the
Danuvius, Moradisaurus, Gnathovorax and Concavotectum.

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día 2 Concavenator Corcovatus, Dinosaurio terópodo conocido por su extraña joroba. Vivió en la España cretática, en lo que hoy conocemos como cuenca

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