画質 高画質

come get your gemfellows . Finally my half of the trade, obviously no rush on your side👌

4 11

ダイヤモンドは女の子の親友です!! ☆

3 7

okay maybe i did get into this twink gem manga..

5 11

Ok... let's do it here while I'm waiting for 😄

Dia from for 🌸

13 35

a little preview of my red beryl spread for !! there are SO many wonderfully talented people on this project, please make sure to check it out when it releases!

4 17

here's my zine preview for !!! had so much fun making this spread, do go support the zine when it officially releases :D

8 39

quería hacer un OC de houseki no kuni con . mi gema es la villiaumita, dureza 2.5, frágil, pero al mismo tiempo, la mas toxica del mundo, su veneno se trasmite por aire y lo quise representar con humo toxico.

4 13


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1 4


30 208

“Years pass by so fast…” ROSE AND HOLLANDITE QUARTZ.

1 12