If there is something between Chris and Jill, Chris will mention her in RE6 when he was sad or in Village
I think Capcom will Show us that Jill got married in her 12 years of absence from Carlos or the one who helping her for her rehab 😋
Artwork by

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You know some players didn't even play RE1 so they don't know the Story of Jill & Umbrella, they were like experiments in the Mansion, that's why Jill was dreaming Nightmares at the beginning of RE3R
Artwork by shena

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-Request Upgraded-
Yo you wanna learn how to do a f#cking infinite?

26 120

Hey guys! Now, I start to sell my old artworks in Gumroad.
Let's check it in link below if you want. 🥰🥳
Hope you like it guys! :)

1 31

Capcom missing so many opportunities to make big games with best teams
Jill & Claire
Jill & Barry
Jill & Leon
Claire & Sherry
Bring Back Billy, Carlos & Steve
STARS Team Reunion

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Jill's BSAA diving suit for was influenced by her original STARS uniform but with marine features as Capcom artists said
Blue colour is totally one of Jill's mark since 1996

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Tava assistindo o Alanzoka jogar Resident Evil 2 e 3 enquanto desenhava pra me distrair, aí assim que deu um tempinho eu corri pra desenhar a Jill bombada né 🏃‍♀️ Claire fica esperta que tu é a próxima

3 14

I always say to my Friends only one or two games with Jill that's it, a game with Leon, and a Main Story of Jill with STARS Members Barry, Chris, Rebecca and Claire
Jill never met Leon & Claire 🙄

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