画質 高画質

Nokemono to Hanayome, le manga d'Asumiko Nakamura (Doukyusei, Utsubora) d'après une histoire de Kunihiko Ikuhara (Utena, Mawaru Penguindrum) va avoir droit à une édition deluxe au Japon à partir du 24 mai.

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The sharp protrusions on Arzuros's forelimbs give its equipment a wild flavor, while its pelt is sturdy enough to survive the harsh mountainous terrain. While Izuchi Armor is popular in Kamura Village, Arzuros Armor is popular in Yukumo Village.

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My Hero Academia Magazine Illustrations | Season 3

Akiko Otsuka (大塚 明子)
Yuki Sato (佐藤 由紀)
Yutaka Nakamura (中村 豊)
Satoshi Hattori (服部 聰志)

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Quiero moar amiwitos so vengo a buscar gentecita interesada en collabs. Ya lo había intentando antes pero siempre la idea moría. :c

Quiero pipol para organizar cosas chill o de plano hacer directos en plan talk show. Prometo tratarlos wonito y darles amors.~

🖌 @/HeikaMura

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Além de Nakamura ser extremamente talentoso, ele ainda tem ao seu lado a sua esposa, a Mieko Hosoi (細居美恵子)! Ela foi responsável pelas ilustrações da abertura e eu nem preciso dizer o quão magnífico é isso né?

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got inspired by "go for it nakamura"

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My Hero Academia Magazine Illustrations | Season 2

Minami Sakura (佐倉 みなみ)
Yutaka Nakamura (中村 豊)
Yoshiyuki Ito (伊藤 嘉之)
Kumiko Takahashi (高橋 久美子)

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From there, I feel the wind and a sense of life. The continuous lines are alive.

Artist :

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me gusta mucho el pelo de nakamura pero no me sale xD

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Happened in the tag team match with nakamura and Rick Boogs knee injure, very good event,so is time tobrax even more today, is getting hot by the minute so in vrchat is getting harder to not sweat, whatever tho haha will see you soon laaav you ☕🖤

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Day 4: même si j'aimerais toutes les oeuvres d'Asumiko Nakamura (aka The Queen) en français, elle a écrit trois oeuvres d'art encore inédites chez nous et l'une d'elle est Kaori no Keishou. Fascinante et bouleversante. Et inoubliable.

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Bunkamuraル・シネマ ほか


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Acabo de verme horisan to nakamura kun y ame lo sencillo pero bien realizado de un anime escolar uno de mis.generos favoritos y no pude evitar hacerles un fanart con una mezcla rara de mi estilo y el de el anime... aunque falle en el intento

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ayaka nakamura’s new collection "Wind" are available. This collection is mainly composed of lines. You can feel life and breath from the continuity.

Artist :


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