Just stumbled on and one word comes to mind “impressive”

Original art, Discord is fire, slick website, & roadmap looks well thought out.

Only paid .03 gas for 10 NFTs thanks to the devs optimizing the code!

Get you some at https://t.co/YevLQ3BrvJ (NFA)

102 190

Your daily dose of BLU3PRINTS by Ribbon! Floor is 0.11. Good time to pick one up! I personally hold 4, minted 1 for free. The floor be thin AF! Don't sleep on BLU3PRINTS
created axons and filaments. Working on https://t.co/c3tUYNNqN9 now.

0 0

swept the floor for the 'mineral' trait on and got twins haha:

-the most gorgeous art project
-thin floors
-AMA / news tomorrow on their next drop coming
-minerals are the second rarest head type, only 280, from investment POV these are great
-legit team


19 70

S/O for putting Cryptobots on my radar. Older than cryptoskulls and much better looking imo. Just grabbed two and imagine these will start running soon. NFA

1 3

Can't stress it enough is the biggest sleeping giant. NFA but if I had to ape/get your first NFT, this would definitely be it for me. Currently got 19 and this my rarest, for sure need to get some crazier rare's 🤷‍♂️📈 drop your vamps, will follow a few back

75 230

🚀#Minting IS LIVE 🚨

The awesome team over at gnome nation has finally started minting!
Pick up and gnome and let us know what you got!

💻: https://t.co/ujX7NOaIdF
👾: https://t.co/qwL8sBPe5L
Opensea: https://t.co/TzUtzrxgOw

6 11

Getting excited about all over again, so I had to scoop up this buddy cop movie duo 😃

Sales are picking up despite the crazy gas fees. NFA but is prolly gonna fly soon 🚀🌙

0 0

No money like made some bill sheets and then decided they looked *damn* good as wallpapers. Now I don't even wanna do anything on my PC but stare at my desktop. and out here making sure there is enough fuckery to go around. Floor is lava. NFA.

13 45

i think the best fomo purchase right now is since its the only 1-1 rich cat,handrawn, crafted straight from the heart.

If you're looking for a reaaaaaaaaly long term speculative not so confirm NFA investment that gonna make you rich, 001-200 it is

25 56

1/10 Can I just share a little more of why I am so impressed with the devs/artists behind ???

Join me for a thread, as I break things down and share random photos of the studio's past work.

As always, *NFA*. DYOR, and join the discord to check things out.


59 159

Who is minting tomorrow? I am. So many good people and names behind the project. It's a go for me. NFA.

20 89

I just bought 4 of these PhantaBears because apparently they are the asian BAYC. Meaning it will literally moon (it already has, nfa).

Will simply sell much higher.

60 461

Nah. You have one of only 35 holo poopie heads in the entire collection. Once again, poopie head gang FTW 👊. To be honest, I don't think poopie heads get enough love. Imagine strolling around the metaverse with a holo poopie head. NFA, of course, this could all go to shit.

0 10

Only a matter of time before one of etc... grab some , don't know about you anon but I want to front run them because when they do get in, it's gonna be a lot harder to grab a bunch. NFA :D

6 39

🚨👀Remember during "NFT Summer" when all those projects were sending and you missed out?

is sending right now and you are doing what? NFA but damn.... LFG!

0 1

Great time to ape in. Don’t wait until that floor is something stupid high. Just a Matter of time.


8 30

7/ My DM’s are open if you want any more info on this. NFA but I think 2022 is going to be a big year for this project. Would love to have some new Toddlerpillar parents come by!

5 12

During the last couple of days i've picked up:
1. Pukenza (colors just look so darn good and very undervalued in my opinion.)
2. Creature world ( Been wanting to join this community for a while but never pulled the trigger, felt like I was going to miss out if I waited longer)NFA

1 8

NFA but got some on

Cute art, good cause. Just hit the market.

5 21