画質 高画質

Deixa eu explicar direito
Um dos teasers do vs impostor triple trouble eh desse do grey bem na sua versão
E como tem fanmades mtos traçaram esse teaser
E vo te contar q esses sprites são mto bostas
Né nem pela animação eq as poses tão mto secas e sem vidas

0 1

you're a little impostor sussy among us impostor sussy postor impostor among us sussy impostor aren't you

0 1

10. Jyunya and Kanamai pointing out that whenever someone disguises themselves as Marisa, you can tell they're an impostor by the fact that their braid is on the wrong side. (I have to admit, I never noticed this).

41 187

I think we'll have Impostor MIX lol

47 223

vs impostor v4 programmer art resource pack

56 489

Sayaka Maizono was not the impostor

18 410

Kirby but...

More like
Black But Kirby when:

Idk a name☠️
But I hope you like him ayoayo

For now is Black Kirby LOLLL-
(from the impostor V4)

Idk now I want to make more like this eeeeee


12 42

Tô quase acabando mas faz um tempinho q eu n posto ent aqui uma spoiler pra vcs C;🌱

81 1193

What Impostor Characters do i make~?🙃🙃🙃🔪

(Choose 2 character✌️🙃)

1 32

Chyba zacznę robić więcej shitpostowych artów bo mi się bardzo spodobało.

0 6

os cabeça de vrido ☕🍵

(agora com correções dos erros que eu só vejo quando posto)

48 392