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↖️ Dragón/Eléctrico
↗️ Dragón/Fantasma
↙️ Dragón
↘️ Legendario Dragón

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↖️ Eléctrico/Acero
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↙️ Eléctrico/Dragón
↘️ Legendario Eléctrico

0 3

Episode Three – Cerezo Osaka Match Preview With Mr. Alan Gibson. (Tricolore Pride)


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Fun fact: I love the aesthetic of tricolor dango, but I've never eaten dango... Someday maybe!

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Footrico! (2022/02/04) - 本日のトピックスとリスナーの反応 (Footrico!)


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So many trans Reki fanfic and noboby talks about official tricolor cat Reki?

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Yusuke Nishida injured in training (Tricolore Pride)


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Thiago Martins joins New York City FC on a permanent deal (Tricolore Pride)


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I spent the weekend catching up on Tomoko Yamashita's The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window, out from , and it is truly such a rich, emotional story. I cannot wait for when the final volume is released (no date yet). I'm just in awe of this manga. 💕

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Epsisode Two – Weekly News Round Up (Tricolore Pride)


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La è considerato il travestimento caratteristico veneziano, si compone del tabarro, del tricorno e della maschera bianca che lascia la bocca libera e modifica la voce del portatore.

Giovanni Nobile al ridotto, secolo XVI, .

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Ayaki Suzuki joins as a keeper coach (Tricolore Pride)


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Shingo Hyodo has decided to hang up his boots. (Tricolore Pride)


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Result of the training match against Hiroshima (Tricolore Pride)


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Anderson Lopes has join from Wuhan FC on a permanent deal (Tricolore Pride)


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Me flipa diseñar entornos en isométrico y después recorrerlos en VR, a la izquierda el GYM de Burraito sensei, a la derecha el GYM de Crissfit Bodypower!

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