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@wolvenxale @juliet2citrus Hmmm I'm curious
@hiodollz hmmm maybe some of these illustrations will catch your eye?
omg, sorry if it doesn't relate, but I'm replying because I want to try to design eastern style 👉👈
sorry for the ambiguity!
"I've always wanted... to eat you once." *slurp*
"I also remembered, how good it feels to have blood sucked..." *pant*
"Hmmm, wanna taste you more...♥" *flap*
"Whoa, please don't... I really appreciate your offer to invite me into your cape, but don't forget I'm still mortal."
@Audrehycake Hmmm…
Nah just kidding, it’s obvious that I love these two lol-
Im still not 100% sure about what color Glorias pants should be 🤔 '
I'm wondering~ If Ice Cream is better on a cup or on a cone~? hmmm.....
@Nick21060945 Hmmm…. I drew…but it was hard ‘cause I didn’t know his personality😅😅😅
@fluterci2 Hmmm entendible, pos debes procurar de descansar, distraete haciendo otras weas, viendo series o yokese, pero no dejes el dibujo, solo tomate un descansillo po y tkm mucho
"Drawings that I enjoyed coloring" ... hmmm...
there are a few... but I'm certainly fond of these~
Even if one of them was meant to be a doodle and not a full colored one...
You ever look at the colors and go "Ah yes delicious"? https://t.co/upZgGOrXZR