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"Shining Armor chases Cheeseball with bat."

5 18

It's a chilly day in Equestria. ^_^

4 3

Sweetie Belle has the best big sister in all of Equestria! ^_^

3 8

Okay. Hold on to your horses, folks. Brace yourself. EEEEEE!!

7 10

SPOILER: I actually sent the email to Rainbow Dash telling her the date of the bake sale changed.

4 2

Derpy kitty equestria girls thingy? O.o

3 1

More Derpy pictures. Equestria Postal Service, I think the company was called. :3

2 4

No Equestria Girls Hasbro,don't ruin the characters !!!!

0 0

How Equestrian War III Started. .... .-. Oh wells then. Never mess with Applejack.

3 5

I'm listening to 's "Long Way From Equestria" now. ASDFGHJKL. Feels. Awh, love him. :3 Have a Luna.

3 3

Cutest gift exchange in the history of Equestria. I can't. ... ... d'awww! *dies of cuteness*

2 8

Oh Ice king... Equestrian Princesses are Off Limits!!

1 0

Today hands, tomorrow EQUESTRIA!!

2 0

In case you missed it! I made you a lil drawing ^_^ It got to Equestria Daily!

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Celebrating another gold for Team GB with Andrew Davidson’s Equestrian Stamp! http://t.co/4REmJCgZ

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Thinking about submitting art for EquestriaDaily. This is one of the pony drawing.

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