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🎦 Here are the officially selected movies from 🇹🇷 for the 5th

-Pimino, Kerem Yoruk
-Scream For Ice, Emir Aytemür
-The Police After Me, Kayahan Kaya
-Wait for Me, Hamza AKIN

13-28 of September, here at

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🎦 Here are the officially selected movies from 🇹🇼, 🇹🇭 & 🇹🇷 for the 5th

-A Roadside Story, Kamo Nattapol
-Bicycle Hunter, Hüseyin Baki Karataş
-Birthday Boy, Irem Epikmen

is full of surprises!

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🎦 Here are the officially selected movies from 🇨🇭 for the 5th

-In Nature, Marcel Barelli
-Les Autruches, Zullo Albertine, Zullo Germano
-Meme Iren Song, Marie Lavis
-Mirrors and the Message, Marie Lavis

is coming in 4 days!!!

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drawing crying warrior cats is my coping mechanism

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Mechanical maid + Pomegranate

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While I wait for my headset to return from RMA land, I decided to tweak my VRC model a bit. Replaced her right arm with a mechanical as well and returned her tights. I like having a modular outfit. :>

2 85

These are slick!

Interesting Roadmap

Development of The Sevens DAO with $SEVEN token airdropped to all hodlers.

Sevens will be deflationary through a unique mutation mechanism.

Season 2 priority minting.

11 71

Cogen's main mechanic is the ability to rewind time, which really had me thinking about order of actions and timing. It's also one-hit KO otherwise so you gotta be careful. Had a lot of problems getting past that one shooty enemy...


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"You have a cechanical arm,but don't force yourself"

123 411


Rosenbeil is a large mechanical single-edged sword, spanning almost 2 meters in length. It has a mechanic to engulf its blade in flame, and discharge into a powerful explosion via the loaded cartridge.

Rosenbeil means Rosecleaver in German.

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hello, here I made a very sexy mechanic for my taste and if I really liked the end result 👨‍🔧🦺

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BEHOLD NEWTHAMEENA "NEWT" WEAVER!! She's kind of a nasty little thing that has a gun, a big mechanical frog canon, and loves explosives.

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More of my OC David, the daddy roo mechanic

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Pls bring this back in G rank for rise cashcom
The wire bug mechanic will make it easier to hit

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Just added this guy to my collection. Companion drop and burn mechanic incoming - people sleeping on this.

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A penguin who works in a bakery, a small non-mechanized enterprise for baking and selling confectionery products.


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The mechanical Bio-machine " Narwhal-138" is ready to be launched into the Ocean galaxy
Now available on Foundation!

FND: https://t.co/ZjnjtmbWlF
FB: https://t.co/SdQAbEqqBu

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The artist is

Bionic Sentient
11 ed.
2.7 tez

20 ed.
2.5 tez

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