画質 高画質

Watched Disney’s The Black Cauldron with my discord homies the other day, all I wanna say is that this witch CARRIED that overall boring movie! Her design and personality is so cute!!

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I'm working on i n c r e d i b l e pieces and amazing clients at the moment, but I'm also trying to reach some new professional goals 💛 (... and, personal note, the cost of living has skyrocketed lately!)

Patreon, social media, stores, link bucket: https://t.co/ZPulSe2924

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-Se puede teletransportar
-Abrir portales a otras dimensiones
-Disparar rayos de sus manos
-Gran fuerza para pelear pero es amable
-Humilde y con gran desarrollo de personaje 🕴️🤝
-Sabe hacer guiso 😈

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Feliz cumpleaños a la persona más adorablisima junto con la cerdita más bonita que existe 💜

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Con motivo de la se ha mencionado entre las posibles respuestas a las anteriores planteadas a este compañero y mejor persona al que tanto echamos de menos.
Recupero esta ilustración que le dediqué.

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Heads up I will only be doing ten personalized books! (You get to choose your own bouquet that I’ll illustrate and put in the front page along with any note or message) so if you would like one might want to stay tuned! https://t.co/yL12e7lT18

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- Mei Ling! -

Em julho-2014, foi publicado no Netoin! um post curto e direto no objetivo, sobre a importância de uma determinada personagem para o anime de Card Captor Sakura.

Leiam em: https://t.co/rvBTmrhgtA

- [Volta ao Passado] 27 - Mei Ling, a personagem necessária! -

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I personally want to say Clash 1.2. We got one of the coolest, most unique Toontown bosses by that point. The community felt so alive and so many new content creators were entering the scene, it was peak Toontown.

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first drawing on my tablet!! + redesign of creator (my persona)

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Anybody who keeps up with streams or discord or w/e probably has already inferred this, but I'm on unofficial hiatus due to some personal shit and continuous insomnia/sleep problems. I'll do guerilla streams when I feel like it, you get the drill, love you, stay cool

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les reto a adivinar al personaje *imposible*

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1st: nakyo & nylon💟💙
2nd: my persona & marianee doodle 💟💚🖤
Marianee 's oc not mine
3rd: my persona hug biyanka/annabelle 💝
They are rivals but...sometimes take care of each other like sisters

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I guess Mia is one of those pretty girls (tm) you here about. Too bad her personality completely ruins it.

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Deja un "🐺" y te doy un color para que escojas 4 personajes.
Me dieron: Blanco

Yamato - One piece
Uzuki - Sakamoto Days
Bear - Burning Effect
Antarcticite - Houseki no kuni

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YGO- "Marik's Personal Heating Pad"
Bakura has upgraded from fridge vampire to heating pad.

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