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An epic tale of combat is nothing without a true heroine. This Friday, prepare to unlock the magical powers of Shanoa, absorber of glyphs, in Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls.
Get ready: https://t.co/T2xTu3Nj8P
La muerte es sólo otro sendero, que recorreremos todos. El velo gris de este mundo se levanta y todo se convierte en plateado cristal. Es entonces, cuando se ve la blanca orilla. Y más allá, la inmensa campiña verde, tendida ante un fugaz amanecer. – Gandalf
@GresskarOficial @GaelKiroD @TheSonicProYT Casi me altero pensando que lloraria , nuuu haci al toque me levanto :>
"Can't wait for next patch so taxi becomes irrelevant and can't abuse illegal movement mechanics"
Dracula X is one of my fave Castlevania games.
It had this art on the soundtrack cd case and I want you to appreciate it.
Mal the seagull whisperer from a summer downtime DnD RP!
Also the fact that her summer outfit is swimsuit-denim cutoffs-hiking boots-socks is very relevant and on brand as hell XD
Mal belongs to @NicolasPflug
Hey, i'm back... again
Nothing relevant to share this time, just work and work and playing Genshin like a fucking addict, but finally i could find some time to draw a little.
This is the first one, there are more
Furthermore the scar itself is not really a plot relevant detail and isn't something that will be addressed outside of the Lorebrary. In her younger years Caroline was apart of an illegal underground fighting ring. The wound itself is a burn she recieved during one of her fights.
✨ DAY 8 - PERUNDUNGAN (Catherine Lindberg/Kat, Sarah Levan, Natasha Linn) ✨
I just think she's pretty neat (creepy vibes are relevant).
You're hella cool @Nagi_Quetzalli, awesome to know you like creepypastas too. #CanSnakesGetArtToo
A bit late maybe but hopping on #repostday!
#Godzilla #dinosaurs #castlevania #illustration
@Nawniii I don't know if it's still relevant but my commissions are open!!
@WorstFEPlayer If I got my way, nobody would be silenced. But I don't think liberalism will win, it'll be just a different brand of auth than now. Thanks to people like you. See relevant meme.
Today is #repostday
Have some #trevorcard artworks :3
"Ele levanta o rifle, com o guerreiro, o soldado voltando novamente. Agora, porém, percebo que tem mais alguma coisa nele.
Ele é meu.
E com os dedos entrelaçados, percorremos nosso caminho pelos campos azuis."
En realidad asmodeus es el personaje mas generico que tengo,pero es relevante hasta cierto punto para la historia
@Just_Meirin Buenos días wapa! Lo mismo digo que tengas un hermoso día y que lo disfrutes al máximo uwu💖 (yo recién me levanto así que me hace ilusión que hoy sea un lindo día:') )