"It's weekend, let's go back to bed."

"No, dum dum. It's 9 am, no more sleep."

30 162


14 81

Redraw! One of my favorite panels from Jujutsu Kaisen manga

36 155

Gojohime the "stay fit (and stay sexy) together because we wanna grow old with each other for a looong time" couple 💪🏽❤️

32 140

-𝑌𝑜𝑢’𝑟𝑒 𝑚𝑦 𝑓𝑎𝑣 𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑔.-

488 1686

iori who hates gojo, but also iori who always goes out with gojo

54 234

hc that gojo puts hickeys on iori when she knows he'll be out with other girls 🤭 iori hates it, but gojo makes up for it when he gets home HA

32 147

Uta:I want to revenge him. Please tell me what I should do.
Shoko: About?
Uta: Revenge!! Shoko, revenge!
Shoko: Hmm…Close your eyes, then kiss him straightforward?
Shoko:Trust me.

137 522

【固定用】現在 メインですが、#さねカナ etc.色々描きます。男女カプ好きです。雑多に色々呟いてますがもしよろしければお気軽にフォローしてください😊💕

7 34


52 317

おまけの らくがき。

22 142