New Brooklyn's Alamo Drafthouse? Find out in STARCROSS chapter 6 (The Red Hook season 3) for free:

5 6

【例大祭告知】ぬ28a ALAMODE "Moon loops" うどんげちゃんの円形フォトブックです。月の満ち欠けに合わせて色面分割されたデザインになっております🐇良かったらスペース遊びに来てください♪

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César Moreno氏による「アベンジャーズ/エンドゲーム」のMONDOx Alamo Drafthouse限定グラス

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If I had to pick a favourite neuroanatomical term, I'd probably go with corona radiata, meaning 'radiating crown.' It's the Latin name for the thalamocortical projections, seen here in this image from Izhikevich & Edelman, 2008

What's yours?

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Es un pj mio conosiendo alamor desu vida

5 22

Cure Parfait from Kira Kira Precure! Slowly uploading the things I've finished so far x'D One more cure coming up from this batch <3

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アベンジャーズ:エンドゲーム、César Moreno氏によるAlamo×MONDOの特典グラスの元絵。

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Return of the Calamoo, would Enku finally milk her?

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Cure Custard! x'3 <3 from Kira Kira Precure a la Mode <3

2 5

Gonna upload some stuff I've finished these past few days xD;
Cure Gelato from Kira KIra Precure Ala Mode!

2 4

she made a 6’ painting of the alamo in like 7 hours

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🤩¡SORTEO en Pánico Rock & Cómics!💥
El Domingo 14 de abril te regalamos "LOS CRICHOS II" de Andrés Lozano; publicada por . Para participar seguinos y hacé RT. Escuchanos este domingo de 19 a 20 hs por

3 7


Junto a te regalamos kits oficiales de la nueva película de compuestos por 1 Pin + 1 Riñonera. ¡Decí la palabra mágica junto a un gif de para tener más chances de ganar!

RT 🔁

147 104

I took a break from all the stress and drew Cure Chocolat to start the KiraKira Precure a la mode set.

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Love how this turned out! Super proud of myself.

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