Okay so this RDO update is really disappointing. Having to pay for more Bounty Hunter grind is a joke.

BUT! The belt buckles in the new Outlaw Pass apparently have the fursonas of some story characters apparently and I can't. I'm gonna do a cry. Look at them!

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rose quartz

not enough pink. really disappointing. at least hes wearing a pink button down but if he could change hair colors i think he should have pink hair here

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❄️ My tip is that you have an objective always in mind and try to work towards that even if the result is disappointing. Being stubborn is essential for art.

Gonna tag and who totally deserve some love 💕

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disappointing my followers: part 2

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I’m scared to be hype 2021 then everything goes disappointing me after I’ve seen 2020 ruined .... you know what I mean. Because Next year I’ll be more different here 😔💔

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Also The Embrace, I love Luca but Viper was disappointing and he deserved better lol

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Dead By Daylight Promises More Effort For Future Anniversary Events Following The Disappointing Eternal Blight https://t.co/pLTXGKSHGj

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Dead By Daylight Promises More Effort For Future Anniversary Events Following The Disappointing Eternal Blight https://t.co/pLTXGKSHGj

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I’m a pretty loyal person - so it’s really disappointing and pisses me off when you get let down and you need to reconsider that loyalty. 🙅🏽‍♀️ Once lost its lost for good see-ya! 👋🏽

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The graphics & gameplay to Arkham Knight were great, but the story was incredibly disappointing.


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No you won't! You deserve every single follower you have and will have! Your art is amazing, and YOU're even more amazing! I don't see there being an even 0.01 percent chance of you ever ending up disappointing anyone ^^ Don't doubt yourself like this!

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12. Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk

"Overall disappointing and doesn't even come close to Black Butterfly. Contains a lot of filler content and I wasn't keen on the developing relationships with the characters (a bit too close to home)."


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It's really disappointing that we've never experienced this Music Jam. This party has so much work that it could've been the big year for Music Jam...

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Disappointing cardboard cutouts with wasted potential. They had an interesting set up for a neat rival making them the child of famous battlers, but their lack of any personality or distinctive writing makes them fall flat and be completely forgettable as rivals.

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What happened to this game on the you have one of the most iconic movies, the power of an yet what we got was so disappointing, I would imagine most didn't get past the bike stage

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Very enjoyable, the manga too, though how the author copped out at the end was a bit disappointing for me.

Best cousin though,

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But come to think about it, no one takes an interest of an illustrator who doesn't paint on canvases. I don't draw realistic things, I only draw with pen and pencils. No meanings or messages whatsoever. It's kinda disappointing too knowing that no one ever noticed my effort.

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