*We passed 4.1k unique owners
*Had 1370 sales in one day, second most in NFTs EVER
*Had our largest sale, 17 ETH
*Announced a Thanksgiving auction with proceeds going to pay for therapy sessions for the FaMorie

Can’t wait for another awesome week 🚀

86 275

What I Love about ?

The artworks are unique, and each one has it‘s own Vibe. I‘m Stoked to have found my even before the Giant I entered their Discord a few weeks ago and saw pour his heArt out. I knew then I was here to stay.👹

2 9

Way to go FaMorie! Spreading the Love ♥️

0 0

FaMorie means everything 🖖🏽

0 3

GM!! Had to pick up another ! Absolutely love this project and vibes from the community 😊

2 76

Am I too hot for you to melt me?🔥🔥🔥🔥

0 1

derivative going crazyyyyy thank you // they’re melting to save up and join the WAGMI

7 72