Beau et un peu creepy à la fois.
Des fois j'aimerai voir ce que donnerai un film d'animation DB en mode réaliste façon Final Fantasy, je sais pas si j'apprécierai, mais j'aimerai voir ça (model par mars. )

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hello! i like to draw!
discord: calicocoquettte#1306
you can also reach me through twitter DMs
will do odd jobs such as inking, coloring, toning, writing poetry for your dog, etc

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Found the roach in question lol.
Source is Terraformars.

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Vinnie from Biker Mice from Mars.
He was the Prompto of the early 90's in biker mousey form and I loved him XD

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• Day 19

Descent Into the Heart of Mars.

This one ended up a lot more abstract than my usual pieces, don't you think?
Hopefully it's still readable! Definitely struggled a fair bit here.

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On Mars.

With stars peeking through.

(HT )

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oh.. i dont know mars.... i think i'll have to do it again to make sure :(
AND BY THE WAY i heard it was your birthday recently!!! i missed it but i hope you had a nice birthday ☺️💙💙💙

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Quick sketch of Sailor Mars... I did it, when I was waiting for my coffee to prepare. A coffee has boiled over, but drawing, after some digital correction, is here.

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Check out this incredible "Family Portrait" of all the spacecraft that humans have sent to Further details and higher resolution scans via :

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See INCREDIBLE screenshot? These are from TIGERTRON’S newest game JUPITER & MARS. A few months ago, I had the opportunity to interview them. Check out the inter at

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Are you tired of playing the same cookie cutter AAA video games? Want to try something new? These GORGEOUS screenshots are from game developer TIGERTRON’s newest game JUPITER & MARS. I had the opportunity to interview them. Check it out

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Are you a gamer? Do you love video games? Well so do we. I while back I had the fantastic opportunity to interview the great people at TIGERTRON about their new game JUPITER & MARS. Check out the interview at

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The dragon finally sleeps... 🐉 rest well .. prepare that hot fiyah for us young Mars. Well be here waitin 🕝

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Planets in Goma rodan yō 護摩爐壇樣 (Model for the Homa Altar). Bull = Jupiter. Goose = Moon. Lion = Mars. Elephant = Saturn.

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Hello Twitter !
Bon, j'ai deux jours de retard sur la publication du mois de mars. Pour ma défense, il était plutôt chargé en événement et en travail (Et cette illustration m'a encore donné du fil à retordre haha !) Un peu plus dynamique que d'ordinaire, voici "Amo Naest Parog"

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C'est du Fake pour moi les items d’entraînement... Derniers items présent au 13 Mars.

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