Turns out passing has been confirmed.. I'm so sad and mad rn... She went through so much and staid positive through all of it. If this is the first time hearing of her please go check her art, let her legacy carry on. Rest in Peace Qinni, we love you 💔

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Qinni was an artist I only come across a few months ago when I found out that she was fighting cancer. Since finding her I learned other things too, like she was a survivor of OHS like myself and she kept going and inspired me too.

She was a beautiful soul

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A star will always shine for you, Qinni. You will be greatly missed.

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Qinni was an inspiration to us all. She made me keep on drawing even when pain was too much. She never let her illness stop her, and now, she can stay up again and finally paint in between the stars she so very much loved. You were so so strong. Thank you.

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Rest in Peace .
You inspired me to keep working on my watercolor.
Your art and the beautiful impact you made on the world will last forever.

You are, and forever will be, missed.

( all artwork in this post was created by the beautiful soul QinniArt. )

13 40

rest in peace qinni, thanks for being such a big inspiration to myself and the rest of the art community 💕

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Rest in Peace ! Your work was always amazing and I looked up to your vast creativity... Today is a sad day. X
This was her last post
[Fragile] by Qinni ~ ♡

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Qinni was (still is) my biggest inspiration when I was little. I admired her SO MUCH. She and were the reason I wanted to be an artist and why I'm pursuing that dream right now. I did this drawing inspired by her art and I find it suitable for this moment.
RIP💖 https://t.co/WvpIsjyMAz

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In regard to Qinni's art? There better not be >:O

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A little gift for . I participated in the tag going around last year and given your recent diagnosis I wanted to make a companion piece. It’s not much but I know how cold hospitals feel so I wanted to make something warm.Stay strong💕

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I made a little something to send some love. If you want to help: She has a PATREON! You can read the full story on my Instagram

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qinni, I'm very sorry to hear your diagnosis, I'm hoping you find some peace through this. your art has always touched me, and has had a special place in my heart since I first saw your art. it was the girl with plants growing out of her!

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Qinni เป็นอาร์ติสสีน้ำคนนึงที่เราชอบ คิดว่าหลายคนเคยเห็นงานที่เป็นเฮดทวิตเค้าผ่านหลายๆสื่อ ก่อนนี้ Qinni มีปัญหาเรื่องโรคหัวใจและล่าสุดคือมีมะเร็งระยะ 4 ซ้ำเข้ามาอีก ได้โปรดไปช่วยให้ความรักกับเค้าเยอะๆด้วยนะคะ


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One of my favourite artists. She was the reason I started watercolor and was a true inspiration for me for such a long time. I am very sorry for what happened to you, but be strong and you can fight this through! I made this art for you as a tribute!

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Stay strong ⭐️You can win this fight! Hope all those stars you drew and everyone in will watch over you ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Quick digital doodle today inspired by the work of Qinniart. Her work is SO beautiful you should totally go check it out.

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Im just experimenting. Heavily inspired from qinni's style. 🤩 tho not really what i expected but meh okay 😂😂 How ya'll doing today guys?

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한 번 사는 인생

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