画質 高画質

I’m also open for character designs - I can draw a wide variety of critters, including hybrids, DnD styled characters, etc!

Feel free to send concepts and inquiries my way, and I will make my selection in the new year! 🎊

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The selection of Sappy Seal GIFs that pop up when searching “arf” is astounding 👏🏼👏🏼

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While we hurtle towards the end of the year here’s a selection of my favourite from 2022

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Happy birthday Seteth Fireemblem 💚 I didn't have it in me to draw any new art today, but here's a selection of my some of my favourite old pieces.

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ぼうきちさん作のsndlogfx.m88を組み込んだm88を使って、拙作「B-Cat Software Sound Selection」(OPNA/ADPCM使用)の中から数曲をs98フォーマットで保存した。

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Selection- the cover is from 's book, commissioned by .

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warning spoiler

maaf kayaknya aku yang keskip atau lupa, tapi top 6 -bllk ini orang-orangnya datengnya dari mana ya? soalnya di team V-Y cuma ada nagi aja sedangkan shidou, otoya, tabito, yukimiya gak pernah keliatan kecuali setelah selesaiin 2nd selection arc

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『Spoon Quest~The Selection Guid~』


10 31

Complete size chart of selection of my fictional Wyvern species.
Common harpy.
Blynth's mountain harpy.
Western mountain harpy.
Arctic harpy.
Eastern mountain harpy.

Enjoy 🙂

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Looking through your gallery you seem to prefer humanoid designs, so I will offer a selection you could pic through.

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Do have a look at the art work of who next to his long-standing career as American diplomat, has been consistently pursuing his passion for fine arts, creating beautiful paintings and drawings over the years. Here's a small selection.

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SEGA MusicSelection Vo.4 (前回のVol.3より9年ぶり!)


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Congratulations on 3k! I'll give you a selection 💙❤️

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