오조오억년만에 그림그려서 손이 덜 풀린거 같다..우리 복덩어리 원우 생일 축하해 건강하고 행복한 생일이 되길 바래🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

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Happy Birthday to the one and only Jeon Wonwoo!!💕#전원우_복덩어리_생일축하해

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narcissus is representative of march! happy eun woo day!!!

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You were born to be loved.

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This year was hard on you so hope the coming year will be a blessing and full of happy times ~

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우리 동우 생일 축하해🎂🎁🎉 ❤

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우리 또또아 , ㅅㄹㅎ ❤❤❤❤#동우

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Always be healthy and be happy Dongwoo-nim Saengil Chukkahamnidaaa...

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