A Court of Thorns and Roses is an amazing book and the story just get better and better in the next books. I highly recommend!!! You can check out the authors insta page too at therealsjmaas!!!

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Her name is Layna, she‘s a specialist and wants to be in the royal army of Andros once she finishes The Red Fountain college ❤️💜

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this is so disguting
this is the real opinion of Androssi

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fuck off
Androssi doesnt care about no one except Baam

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Meet the Alexandros Rex!
Very little is know about the life-cycle of this wyvern.

Their bony crests completely block their eyesight, as such they've have adapted the ability to sense vibrations with the protrusions on their face.

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Playing Smash with friends can be a great source of inspiration. "Hey remember that wikihow Pic of the man and the dog(later I realized it was a coyote)? I think it would be cool if you draw Andross and Wolf like that".

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every scene with Androssi is a Bamdorsi scene

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androssi in the anime was a disguting moe-shit
this people never read a single page of tog

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for Baam androssi's life is the most important thing

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Rachel confirm that androssi is the heroine
accept it

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SiU confirmed that rachel is not the heroine but a female protagonist and Rachel confirm that Androssi is the heroine so accept it

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Androssi si the heroine of the story
without her Karen would let kill Koon and Rak to save Baam at last station

so thanks her if your shit ship is live

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Anime Androssi is a btich who befriend everyone nothing of the real Androssi

orphan who live all their life alone trying to survive

anak cried for baam but not her
these scum never read a single page of tog

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idiot Androssi is the best girl of ToG
even tower's people approve

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this mean that miss Androssi is not alone anymore

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reminder that Androssi doesnt want stinky hatsu be near her and for Baam androssi's life is the most important thing

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