This is Ken Kelly week, since I just found several of his S&P painting. We'll start with Descent, which was a cover for Lyn Carter's Jandar of Callisto. Kelly is a brilliant illustrator, but the names given his paintings are unimaginative. More on this tomorrow.

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Two teenagers running from agents of the star-spanning Federation come to Earth to rescue their parents. Kevin Johnson's cover presents the situation effectively and piqued my curiosity. Is it S&P if the author reverses the tropes? I say yes, and will read it.

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offers this Storn Cook bit of prototypical S&P art. It's got the proper mixture of future and archaic weaponry, a scantily clad alien babe, and a man who's obviously out of place. I believe this was an RPG commission rather than a book cover. Too bad. I'd read it!

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I love a good pirate and mermaid romance <333
part of my "roses and bonsais" project

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So yeah, it's been a while... 😅 here's my Gen 4 starter fanart Chimchar . 😁

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My cartoon for tomorrow. Update from covid shenanigans stateside with the orange bell-end doing his thing.

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returns to ERB with this James E. McConnell cover for the second Amtor (aka Venus) book. It's been far too long since I read this one, but I recall thoroughly enjoying the Venus series. Barsoom better captured my heart, but Amtor holds fond memories.

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(abuse cw)

liyah birru has been incarcerated for defending herself against her abusive husband and is now facing deportation. to help, please donate to @/survivedandpunished or @/freeliyah on venmo, or call gov. newsom and tell him to pardon her.

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Next: Cintia, de Pokémon! Campeona de la región de Sinnoh (y mi campeona favorita, por cierto ✨).

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With advanced weapons, swords, a scantily-babe, and imminent danger, this Hildebrandt painting from their 1982 Atlantis calendar hits all the S&P tropes. Too bad there's no story for these images, because I'd read it in a heartbeat.

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