Nina is a bit early, but I wanted to use this MR.

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The fish in the back suit her perfectly(*°▽°*)

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I love how this came out! Too bad this can't be made into an MR.. I also finally got to use those coloured stars.

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I'd love this MR to be recced to Mayu sometime.

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Thank you to those who rec'd me on JP beautiful(⌒▽⌒)☆

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Kyouko is enjoying being a goddess of fire. We hope the power doesn't go to her head.

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Fairytale & Folklore girls♡(。- ω -)

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Yeah, I don't know what I was going for with this. Enjoy the little brown bunny in the bottom right corner.

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( 'ω')新しいうちの娘「りの」ですだよ♪皆さんよろしくでさぁ♪



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( 'ω')「mariage」


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With the event ending, I did a small little Chinese theme.

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I almost forgot to post today. So just enjoy these old outfits.

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